Mrs. David's Garden Seeds®

Health Benefits Of Garlic

Aside from the good taste that garlic adds to many recipes, there are health benefits of garlic that you should know about. Include planting garlic in your garden every fall.

We carry garlic bulbs every fall, usually from September through November. You can find them here when we have them in stock. As you may or may not know, garlic takes 240 days to grow. That is about eight months so you need to plant them in October for a June harvest or in November for a July harvest.

Here is the good news! We have added German Red Garlic to our garlic bulb collection so now we have 7 varieties! Also, we have knocked $2 off of the price of every sack of garlic bulbs. Order soon. October is almost over! Hurry! They were $9.95 a sack. We have them on sale now for just $7.95 a sack!

So we will spend this week looking at why you should be planting garlic in the fall for a summer harvest. The best reason is that I love Italian food and there is a lot of garlic in Italian foods.

Health Benefits Of Garlic - 10/23-10/29/23

Monday, October 23, 2023

Well, good morning! Thank you for being here. It is 7:27am and just barely beginning to get light outside. I have been awake since 4:30am. I have a lot of orders to fill today. I also need to get the grow tower planted. While we are on the subject of planting, we need to plant bluebonnets, maroon bluebonnets, and paintbrush wildflowers here on our property so we have beautiful spring blooms. October is the month to plant not only garlic, but wildflowers as well.

It should be a good week. Our commercial kitchen will be getting its stove back and I will be getting a new stove with a double oven in my home kitchen on Wednesday. I am excited about that.

I have never had a double oven before and I bet it will make Thanksgiving a snap. Speaking of which, we need to start shopping for a turkey and other holiday stuff soon just in case there is a rush on it. I heard over the weekend that in some cities, pain relievers and cold medicines are disappearing off of the shelves in stores so stock up. I need to get to the store to do that.

I finally planted the grow tower this morning with Encore lettuce seeds. This is a mix of different varieties.I finally planted the grow tower this morning with Encore lettuce seeds. This is a mix of different varieties.

I finally planted the grow tower this morning. I planted a lettuce mix called Encore. I got to meet several of our neighbors today who came into the store to buy seeds and garlic. That was great. I wish more folks right around us would come over and say hi.

I could not mail orders out in the morning because Shopify was down. It came back up in the late afternoon so I was out in Fulfillment shipping orders out until 6:40pm. At 7pm, I was all set to watch a brand new Kitchen Nightmares and there was baseball. Gordon won't be back until November 6. I was very disappointed.

Health Benefits Of Garlic

Music garlic is the favored garlic this year. It has a good flavor and is decent sized. We have sold a ton of it but don't worry! We still have some!Using garlic in your cooking can help you cut down your bad cholesterol numbers.

There are many health benefits of garlic that you should know about. The first, and probably the most important is that consuming garlic helps reduce high blood pressure. High blood pressure is known as the silent killer because you can have it for years and not know it until you get it checked out by a medical professional.

High blood pressure is why there are so many strokes and heart attacks that happen in people who you think are in good health. It's time to plant and harvest garlic. Then chop, mince, or crush at least four cloves and eat it raw or cook and eat in your favorite dishes to help combat high blood pressure.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Well, I woke up at 4:30am again and could not get back to sleep so I finally got up. At that time, our dogs and Kitty also decided to get up so I did not get much done. Now they have all been fed but it is no longer quiet in the house because David is awake now, too.

While I was outside with the dogs this morning in the dark, I noticed that it had been raining (not much)  and is very humid. It is currently 6am and 76°. The autumn weather that we enjoyed for about three days is gone. It is summer again. 

Nacho will be coming today and while he is here, he and his team will be taking the oven out of my home kitchen and putting it back up in the commercial kitchen. My new oven comes tomorrow.

All day long, rain has threatened with dark clouds and lots of wind. All we got here on the farm were some sprinkles. We drove into San Antonio for lunch and it was pouring in places there. We took some friends out to eat at Chama Gaucha. They loved it.

Now we are back on the farm working. It is 4:30pm and almost time for dinner. My head hurts and we still don't have rain. People are getting ready to leave and the stove still has not been moved. In fact, some did leave.

They finally got the stove moved at 4:30pm and now there is an empty space so, of course, I could not cook.

We are ready for the new oven tomorrow.We are ready for the new oven tomorrow.

We ended up going to Charlie's Daughter On The Green for a quick bite to eat. I was so tired so we got home and I crashed on the couch while watching Murder She Wrote. When I woke up, I decided it was time to eat our dessert from Chama Gaucha.

I did not mention it earlier, but we brought home one dessert to share. We got the chocolate cream cake. I cut it in half around 9pm and we enjoyed it. The desserts at Chama Gaucha are incredible. I have had them all over the years.

Health Benefits Of Garlic

Using garlic in your cooking can help you cut down your bad cholesterol numbers.Using garlic in your cooking can help you cut down your bad cholesterol numbers.

My doctor has recently told me that my cholesterol is high. Cholesterol is fatty tissue in the blood. There are two, LDL which is bad cholesterol and HDL which is good cholesterol. One of the health benefits of garlic can help to reduce cholesterol in your blood. Adding garlic to your diet can help cut down some of the LDL or bad cholesterol. It does not help build up the good HDL cholesterol.

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Here is my oven being delivered. The men got it here early, about 9:30am and installed it. They then turned it on to make sure it worked.Here is my oven being delivered. The men got it here early, about 9:30am and installed it. They then turned it on to make sure it worked.
Here is my new double oven.Here is my new double oven.

Good morning! It is the day that the housekeeper comes plus the new stove is supposed to come today. The cat woke me up because she was starving. It is still dark and warm outside at 75°.

We got everything picked up so the housekeeper can shampoo the carpets. Right before she arrived, the delivery men said they were 20 minutes away. The housekeeper and her helper got here and then the delivery truck arrived.

They got here and brought in my new stove! Yay. There is a dent in the back. Nothing can ever be perfect, that is for sure. They hooked it up and it has two ovens and a warmer burner on top. It is also convection as well as an air fryer.

It has been cloudy and threatening rain all day again. It is now noon and not a drop, just like yesterday pretty much. We need rain for sure.

A Visit From The Texas Farm Bureau

At 1:30pm today, a man from the Texas Farm Bureau along with a woman from the Kentucky Farm Bureau stopped in for an inspection of our Farm Store. They said they were driving around looking at various vendors. They asked me if we sell produce or seeds and if we propagate all of our 1200 varieties of seeds here. They also asked if most of our business was foot traffic or online traffic.

Packets of seeds are hanging up in the store. There was no produce in there at all. We have only four acres of land. If we were to grow all of our own seeds here, everything would cross pollinate. We sell seeds. Hence the name "David's Garden Seeds®". If we depended on foot traffic, we would starve to death because very few customers come here. We don't have produce because it has been way too hot and dry the past two summers to grow much of anything here. Plus, what I grow is for our family to eat.

They looked around the store and in the refrigerator while asking me questions and then they said thank you and left. I am very confused. As far as I know, they have no authority over what we do. We are licensed to sell seeds and plants. I sell my eggs according to my county's requirements. I wonder what it was all about. I went and told David. He was in the house at the time of the visit. He is always somewhere else when these things happen. I looked it up and I found that

"Texas Farm Bureau, Texas's largest farm organization, represents the interests of agricultural producers and rural communities across Texas as the "Voice of Texas Agriculture." Texas Farm Bureau's grassroots structure begins in local communities across the state of Texas. The non-profit organization's direction and decision making are dictated by its members." --Wikipedia

We sell seeds to home gardeners in small packs. We do not sell in bulk to farmers so I have no idea what on earth they were inspecting the store for. We have been in business for over 14 years and this is the first time they have come.

I tried to find their website and apparently they sell insurance but we don't have it. I finally found their actual website and it just has a bunch of farm type articles. Our farm is our personal property. Our business is seeds to home gardeners, not in bulk to farmers. I wonder what is going on...

They mostly looked at the side of the store with the coffee and refrigerator, barely glancing over at the seeds. They mentioned the grow tower and how they have seen those at schools for educational purposes. They were in and out in less than two minutes and left. I found it very strange.

These are the stove burners.These are the stove burners.
While the bottom oven was on convection, steam poured out. I thought at first something was burning.While the bottom oven was on convection, steam poured out. I thought at first something was burning.

This evening, I made pork chops and roasted vegetables in the bottom oven while I baked an apple pie in the top oven. It came out good.

Health Benefits Of Garlic

Your body has been designed to help fight off illness. The part of your body that does this is called an immune system. By eating at least two cloves of garlic a day, you can help your body to boost its immune system. Yes, one of the health benefits of garlic consumption is boosting your immune system, which helps you to prevent illness. Garlic can help your body fight off the flu and common cold.

Our Garlic Is Now On Sale

A big bag of Red German garlic bulbs. We sell them with 2 bulbs in the bag. Break each bulb down into the cloves.A big bag of Red German garlic bulbs. We sell them with 2 bulbs in the bag. Break each bulb down into the cloves.

Our garlic is normally $9.95 but we just put it on sale for $7.95 as it is getting close to the end of planting season. Get the garlic in the ground in October and you will have a June harvest. Plant it in November and you will have a July harvest. The point is that it takes eight months so it is to your advantage to get it planted soon. It has to go through the cold weather in order to come up properly next summer.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

We got downpours here that were much needed!We got downpours here that were much needed!

So we finally got a lot of rain. It poured on and off all morning and into the afternoon. I got drenched once while it was pouring, even though I had an umbrella. Once the sun finally came out, it was so humid and felt ugly! We had a few customers yesterday afternoon.

One of the pinecones we wrapped yesterday that will soon be for sale.One of the pinecones we wrapped yesterday that will soon be for sale.
This is a seed from the pinecone with a wing attached to fly on the wind.This is a seed from the pinecone with a wing attached to fly on the wind.

I collected a lot of pine tree seeds and I will be experimenting with them to see how easy it is to grow a pine tree from seed.

Strawberry slips to plant. All 200 of ours will be planted this week.Strawberry slips to plant. All 200 of ours will be planted this week.

FedEx brought the strawberry starts that David ordered a few months ago so now we have two huge boxes of them to plant. They are not for sale.

This afternoon, I made spaghetti for dinner. We watched Hell's Kitchen at 7pm and enjoyed it. Then I got some pie from last night. So I was sitting there in the den and all of a sudden, I felt something hard in my soft apple pie. I pulled it out of my mouth. It was half of my temporary crown that was not even a week old and then the other half came out. The dental assistant told me not to eat on that side so I was chewing on my left side when it happened. Now, I do not have a temporary crown and my permanent crown is still not ready. This silly temporary crown was made out of composite and was sharp and cutting my tongue over last weekend. It stopped doing that and then it crumbled. Tomorrow, it would have been one week old. Wow.

Health Benefits Of Garlic

This garlic bulb is ready to be taken apart, clove by clove, to be planted now. Then in 8 months, you can harvest it all. Braid stems and hang to dry out.This garlic bulb is ready to be taken apart, clove by clove, to be planted now. Then in 8 months, you can harvest it all. Braid stems and hang to dry out.

We come in contact with a lot of chemicals day after day. There are chemicals in almost anything that are not good for us. Another of the health benefits of garlic is that it helps detoxify your body from chemicals that can harm it. Think about all of the chemicals you can come into contact with every single day: soaps, fabric softeners, laundry detergent, dryer sheets, cleaning supplies, air freshening spray, bug spray, deodorants, and there are so many more. Garlic helps your liver to produce glutathione to clean your blood.

Friday, October 27, 2023

Our Black Nebula carrots coming up. These are purple and sweet, my favorite carrot!Our Black Nebula carrots coming up. These are purple and sweet, my favorite carrot!

So this morning I got up and expected another day of good rain. It is now 2:30pm and we did not get a drop, although it has been so cloudy all day long. The humidity is high and it feels extremely uncomfortable at 86° Fahrenheit. I was a bit late opening the store because I did the breakfast dishes. No one ever comes at 9am. At 9:10am, I grabbed my briefcase and the orders I had printed out at home and I headed for the Fulfillment Building. The alarm went off. There was a truck with some customers waiting to get into the store.

I went in and apologized and then helped them to find some seeds and garlic. After that, we had several more customers come for garlic and seeds.

Brendon and Matt are planting strawberries out in our strawberry hoop house. This is the place where our other strawberry plants live and grow. We grow our strawberries year round. I only wish they put out strawberries all year long but they don't. There is a small amount of time in late spring and early summer where there are berries every day. After that, the plants grow and spread by putting out runners, creating more strawberry plants.

Around 4pm, it rained for a few minutes and then stopped. That was it. I was tired so for dinner I made grilled cheese and meat sandwiches with tomato soup. We watched Shark Tank and then Murder She Wrote. We are on season 10.

Health Benefits Of Garlic

Compare the large Music garlic on the left to the small Red German garlic on the right. Music seems to be America's favorite this year.Compare the large Music garlic on the left to the small Red German garlic on the right. Music seems to be America's favorite this year.

One of the health benefits of garlic is that it has antibiotic properties. Garlic contains Allicin which is an antibiotic. This antibiotic can help fight off viruses and infections. Allicin helps the antibiotics that your doctor prescribes to work better.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Good morning! It is humid again today and is 75°. It should go up to 83°. On Sunday night, it will dip to 44° and by Tuesday night, it will be in the 30s! Can you believe that? The 30s will be for two nights but it is not supposed to freeze.

We have a lot of beautiful pole beans and bush beans that are ready to be picked. For sure, we will have to pick them by tomorrow just in case. After that, the lows will be in the 40s and then in the 50s so I am sure we will get more green beans. I just love them fresh.

I got all of the animals taken care of and I opened the store. We have nine dozen eggs in the refrigerator. It is now 12:45pm and we have had a nice round of customers so far, although the first one did not show up until after 11am and even though he did buy seeds and garlic, he first tried to sell us an aerial photo of our property for just $538.00. To fly over your property and take 15 to 20 shots, his company charges $300. Then you pick the one or two good sized photos you want framed. He gives you a $100 credit because you have already paid $300 and then there are all sizes and prints you can get but $538 for one decent sized framed photo is a lot of money. We don't have it now. This is our slow season.

It is humid, as I said earlier and cloudy but no rain yet. The wind is blowing. The flags are going nuts. David is preparing some lunch. I got all of the orders filled from this morning. I am now waiting on the mailman to show up and more customers.


We watched Svengoolie tonight. The movie was one we had not seen from 1973 about Kolchak, The Night Strangler. It was good. The full moon was so pretty.

Health Benefits Of Garlic

This is a Red German. You can see a streak of purple. The ones with purple have more bite to them.This is a Red German. You can see a streak of purple. The ones with purple have more bite to them.

An important one of the health benefits of garlic is that it can help to prevent Alzheimer's and dementia. Garlic is high in antioxidants which can help with this prevention. However, eating excessive amounts of garlic will not give total immunity. It helps to a certain extent but let's take all of the help we can get, right?

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Our orchard includes 4 pine trees that we put in 4 years ago. I wish we had put in more.Our orchard includes 4 pine trees that we put in 4 years ago. I wish we had put in more. They have not yet made pine cones.

Well, Happy Sunday, everyone! We had a good day and it is only 2:30pm. David and I stayed up way too late last night, watching Murder She Wrote. I love that show. We are at the end of season ten. We went to bed close to midnight. So I woke up three times in the night. At 4:35am, I took my thyroid pill and figured I might go back to sleep. Then at 6:06am, I should have gotten up when I woke up but I went back to sleep and slept, (get this because I never sleep this late) until 7:40am. I could not believe it. David was up, had the coffee perked and was listening to Bob Webster.

I put some old clothes on and went out and fed everyone outside, fed the inside folks, started laundry, loaded the dishes from last night and started that. Then I found some cobwebs and dusty chairs and cleaned those, took out the trash, and then cleaned out Kitty's litter box. Then it was time to get ready for church.

While I was outside, I looked at the rain gauge. It was at 6/10 of an inch. I dumped it for the new rain we will be getting tonight.

Today is potluck Sunday plus it was the last Sunday of October. We all know what October is if we go to church. If you don't know, October is Pastor Appreciation month. The church gave the Pastor a card with some cold, hard cash and there was a beautiful photo of the church on the cake which was really cupcakes. They used the most delicious icing, the soft kind that I love.

The food was great but a lot of people were missing...

Here is Annalee presenting the card to Pastor Jerry Solomon for Pastor Appreciation.Here is Annalee presenting the card to Pastor Jerry Solomon for Pastor Appreciation.
Pastor Jerry holding up the cupcake cake with the photo of the church in frosting. Yes, it was edible and so good!Pastor Jerry holding up the cupcake cake with the photo of the church in frosting. Yes, it was edible and so good!
Here is a closeup of the beautiful cake that was really cupcakes. Walmart did it.Here is a closeup of the beautiful cake that was really cupcakes. Walmart did it.

This afternoon, the cold weather is supposed to start. Right now, it is humid and 87° but the low for tonight should be 45°. I have to go water all of my outdoor plants and pick whatever is left on the trees that is ripe. It is way too hot for that right now.

We got our first Easter Egger eggs today at 25 weeks old. One was on the ground, the other in a nesting box!We got our first Easter Egger eggs today at 25 weeks old. One was on the ground, the other in a nesting box!

Today was a monumental day for our 25 week old Easter Egger chickens. Two of them finally laid the first blue eggs today!

The cold front finally hit around 5pm. It was breezy and cool. It got colder through the evening and was in the 40s when I went to bed.

Health Benefits Of Garlic

Garlic comes in several sizes depending on the variety. Here is where the stem on this garlic was cut and dried.Garlic comes in several sizes depending on the variety. Here is where the stem on this garlic was cut and dried.

Another one of the health benefits of garlic is that it can help to prevent cancer. These days, so many more people end up getting cancer because of so many chemicals in food and food products in fast foods and prepared foods. People need to stop eating junk foods and start cooking at home. One of the  ingredients they should use in their recipes is garlic, fresh from the garden. It is easy to grow and store.

Return from Health Benefits Of Garlic to Year Five On The Farm

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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.

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Sing Along To Our Jingle

Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫

 ♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫


Peppers and peas

And lots of yummy greens

You can't go wrong

With Squash This Long

At David's Garden Seeds

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

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Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.

David's Garden Seeds BBB Business Review

David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!
All Non-GMO, we've got the seeds you want!All Non-GMO, we've got the seeds you want!

We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,000 varieties to choose from.

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Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.
Mrs. David's Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.Mrs Davids Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.

Find out what is going on down on the farm by reading our blog and by subscribing to our free newsletter for all of the information going down at David's Garden Seeds® and on the farm. I love to share helpful information with you. Please let your friends know and y'all come on down for a visit when you get the chance. We would love to meet you!