Last week someone told me that now you can register your garden with the government. Ever since Covid, this world has gone nuts so I figured it was just some more nonsense talk going around.
So I looked it up and found that the USDA wants community gardens, group gardens, school gardens, church gardens, and farms to register their gardens with them. Now why would they care about our vegetables?
For a couple of years now, my sister, has been telling me that no one is allowed to grow a garden anymore. She says that our company, David's Garden Seeds®, has to go bankrupt now because no one will ever be allowed to grow food again. Until last week, I really did not pay much attention.
The USDA want you to form a community garden and Register Your Garden With The Government. No, it is not fake. I went on their website and it is true.
Good Monday morning. It is 51° and raining at 6am. I got very little sleep all night long. I was too hot, too cold, in pain with my foot, and thinking about ugly comments made about me. Sometimes it is hard to let go of all of that stuff.
So I am having some coffee and some bread with cream cheese, trying to forget all of it as I head into the new week. This week's topic, as you can see is about registering your garden with the government. Right now, the USDA wants community gardens registered. You do the work and teach people how to garden and they come and pick the harvest. Instead, how about everyone do their own victory garden in the backyard like they used to do in World War II? I know a great place to get seeds! Yes, David's Garden Seeds®!
David has a doctor's appointment this morning in San Antonio but if you come to the store, there will be people here to help you.
At 8am, David's phone rang. It was his new PCP calling with his blood test results. We thought the doctor said his A1C went from a 14 in the hospital down to a 9 as of this past Friday so that is great. The goal is below 5.7. He is eating way better, avoiding sugar and taking his meds. His blood sugar tests at home have been very good. Hopefully, they will cut off the insulin and just have him on Metformin soon.
It is now 1:10pm, still lightly raining, and the temp is 53°. We just got back from the city a few minutes ago. David's visit went well and my foot has been swollen and in a lot of pain since Friday so the good doctor saw me as well. My foot is now in a wet cast. I have an acute case of tendonitis something or other so hopefully, this will help. I can feel my tendon moving from time to time, kind of gross to think about. I am taking the day off so if you come in to the Farm Store today, expect Matt or Brendon to take care of you.
The roads were so slippery. We skidded three times during the drive. Very scary stuff. I am so happy to be home. Hopefully, tomorrow, when we go see David's PCP who is managing his newly diagnosed diabetes, the road will be dry.
I made a delicious roast beef with vegetables in my Instant Pot. David says it is the best I have ever done. I didn't think so but that was nice.
We ended up with no customers in the store today which is what I figured since it was cool and rainy. My doctor told me to use two plastic bags when I shower. I did along with duct tape. Guess what? It didn't work so my cast got wet again. I just can't shower. I will have to wash my hair in the kitchen sink and do a sponge bath. Fun times.
I remember Michelle Obama used to talk about food deserts. I never understood that. She had a vegetable garden on the white house lawn. You would think she would have pushed that so everyone would plant a garden. But she didn't and she didn't say to Register Your Garden With The Government.
A food desert is an urban (city) area where there is no good quality fresh food available and the food that is available is junk food. Well, let's look at inner cities with their gangs and slums. Who would want to build a nice grocery store just to have it trashed and then have to pay gangs because they demand money for it being in their neighborhood? This stuff is on TV and in movies and it really happens.
I think the old, trashed out parts of the city should be torn down. Let's find these folks real jobs outside of cities where they have the opportunity to change their lives and the lives of their children. Get them out of the filthy, drug-laden cities and into the country or at least living in suburbs where they can work away from gangs and drugs. Let's re-educate them how to live well. They can work in grocery stores and on farms, learning how to plant gardens and grow food. Let's teach them about nutrition and health. The cities are broken so tear the broken parts down and don't allow that stuff any longer.
Growing up in the suburbs in upstate New York, there were grocery stores and gardens everywhere. There was no food desert. My father had to work to get money to buy food in addition to what we grew in our backyard garden, as did most fathers. There were nearby farms with fields of food and animals, some of which were for food. In the city slums, there is prostitution and there are drugs. Who wants to live that way? Who wants their children growing up that way? The city is broken. Let's fix that and leave our gardens alone.
Planting a garden and being made to share it with others might be a good idea if the others are willing to learn how to grow food and can make their own attempt next season but this collecting the food after others have worked all year long is wrong. Do not Register Your Garden With The Government.
A lot of families, either with excess money or a good amount of food stamps paid for with our tax dollars, could plant a garden, learn a valuable skill, and eat right. If gardening was taught in the public school system, I think a lot more families would plant them.
The government
gives out lots of food stamp money so if poor people want to eat
healthier, they can. Families need to get away from the fast food and the
junk food at the store for the health of their bodies. Many are unwilling to do so. This was not much of a problem when I was a child. Obesity was the exception back then, not the rule like it is today. There were a lot more backyard gardens and no poisonous chemicals that we know of in the foods from the grocery store.
I think what
people really want is to sit back and be handed everything, including
our money. This is honestly how it has been since Covid. We have such a hard time getting quality people who want to work out here. From what we read, it is like that all over. Our other business owner friends say the same thing. Look at how many get tax refunds while we sit here wondering
if we will have enough to pay all of the ridiculous taxes so they can
have refunds. We have not had a refund in years but our taxes continue to go up
every year. I do not want you to Register Your Garden With The Government.
The USDA wants us all to register our small farms and community gardens with the government by joining The People's Garden Initiative. To join, you need to fill out paperwork to see if you qualify. If you do qualify, you will get a lovely sign to let everyone know that your garden can make a big impact in your community by:
They will even provide you with a lovely green and white sign to put in your garden that says each of the above things.
No, this is not made up. I went to the USDA website. It is on there. They want you to Register Your Garden With The Government.
Right now, this is not for private gardens but you never know what the future will bring. It has a communist flair to it just in the name. My mind goes directly to Russia and China, doesn't yours?
Why would I buy seeds, cultivate good soil, plant seeds, grow seeds, weed, fertilize, water, and take care of plants to allow a bunch of folks I don't even know to come and take my food and reflect on the food that I've grown by sweating out in the mercilessly hot Texas sun? If I am growing food, it is for my household or for my business. We don't mind giving food to others once in a while, like friends, relatives or neighbors, but why isn't everyone doing their own garden? Why would you want to register your garden with the government and then they decide that it is the People's Garden so they seize it? It just sounds too much like The People's Republic of China, something very communist to me.
Why is the USDA wasting millions of dollars promoting such a program in our country. We are giving billions away to other countries, providing all sorts of tax money to people who don't want to work, forgiving college loans that the taxpayers must pay with hard earned money, and on and on. So why are they wasting more of our money? Why do they want our gardens?
We will not be registering our farm or garden with them. In the words of the USDA, they are "creating a registry and map of small-scale food production." Why? Why do they want to track who grows food? Why do they want you to Register Your Garden With The Government?
Good morning! I slept pretty good with the cast. At least my foot was not in constant pain with the tendons moving around in there. I woke up at 6am. It is chilly at 40°. I let the dogs out and got the indoor animals fed.
Matt just came in to check with us. David gave him some instructions. I am in my office so I did not hear them which is fine. I have 40 minutes before we leave to go to the PCP in Jourdanton for David's diabetes check. We are hoping the doctor will take him off of these two insulins and put him on Metformin.
I just need to put some makeup on. I have a lot of paperwork to do that is on my desk.
David and I went to his appointment with the new PCP. The PCP said your A1C is 14. David did not hear him well yesterday on the phone. The doctor showed me the lab paper and his A1C is actually still 14 even though he has cut sugar. So he is still on insulin and now on more Metformin. We go back to see him in February.
I am working in my home office since my foot is hurting. I just got some medical claims for both Matt and David set to go to Christian Healthcare Ministries. They will go out with tomorrow's mail. It is hard to believe that next Thursday is Thanksgiving. We will have a simple Thanksgiving meal and watch football or movies. This will be the first time in years that our home will not be filled with a bunch of family, confusion, noise, and it feels good.
Matt will come spend some time with us because he is a good son. I hope he finds a good wife soon. He is our only hope of having grandchildren. Please, Lord, bless him with a good wife and a lot of wonderful children who grow up to live for You!
Nacho is here doing some outdoor chores by himself. Matt went in for an eye exam today. He has needed some new glasses.
I stepped outside a moment ago and it is still very chilly. Alexa says it is 60°. Not sure how. It should get down to 44° tonight.
So far, we have had zero customers again today which is fine because I am not out there to help them. The orders are very slim but in the middle of November, that is common. The difference is that other years, the income has still been there to allow us to keep our staff. This year, because gas and food as well as other things are skyrocketing, the business is just not there.
In order to qualify your garden for the People's Garden Initiative, your garden will need to do at least one of the following:
Approved garden locations will be added to the USDA website and will be identified by the garden sign described above. Then you can help convince others to Register Your Garden With The Government.
Good morning. It is 10:30am and 45°, pretty cool in the house. I am wearing a hoodie which is very rare. I have been responding to Facebook comments on our GMO page that I wrote in September. Seems we have had some GMO farmers on there who think it is perfectly safe for us to eat food grown with genetically altered genes so that you can spray them with RoundUp three times and they will still grow.
The weird thing is some of them have families with young children and this is what they do for a living. Don't they care about their own children? Keep in mind that most nations of the world do not allow GMO seeds in their countries yet our farmers cry about how they are doing this to keep the world alive. The world doesn't want to eat the poisonous crap you grow, guys, and neither do we. Every time my opinion is expressed on Facebook, liberals come and try to shut me down. Usually, I delete my post and wish I had never gotten on Facebook. Not this time.
I found another article written by someone at Harvard University about GMOs and how dangerous they are. I write this stuff to let you know what is going on in the USA, not to cause fear. The average person does not know what goes on with their food so if I find something out, I will share it. Here is that article on GMOs from Harvard.
Do you realize that if people were out in their backyards growing food, they would be busy and stay out of trouble? They would be teaching all of their children how to garden which is a very valuable skill,.
Your children are watching you and wanting to be just like you. If you are teaching them to do illegal things, they will grow up to be just like you. If you went to prison for breaking the law, chances are pretty high that they will, too.
However, if you are teaching your children good, wholesome, moral things, like gardening, reading the Bible, going to church, respecting adults, working, paying for things instead of trying to hot wire cable TV, and so much more, your children are going to grow up thinking this is a good way to live life. They will become respectable adults, for the most part, and will then teach these values to their children.
Somehow, our society really got away from decent values back in the 1960s. It continued into the 1970s and got a lot worse in the 1980s. I was there and this is true. Now, people actually teach their kids how to lie and get away with it and how to cheat and steal so they don't have to pay for things. Actual people have told us they do this when we were in ministry and even now. They would tell us how they get free cable by connecting some wires to a box in their yard. We explained that is stealing cable and they said no and that we as the pastor and family should do it too. We did not. The people in our congregations told us a lot of stuff they should not have been doing.
Tomorrow is my birthday. It is hard to believe that I turn 63 tomorrow and that life goes by so fast with so many twists and turns and so many hateful people. I guess I never realized how much hate is in this world. It makes you wonder...A pastor whose church we used to attend says "hurting people hurt people." I guess that is true. When you are hurt, you think you will feel better if you lash out at others. Hint: It doesn't work. You still feel bad, in fact, worse. Instead, be kind and pray and ask God to take away the hurt you feel.
I am going to be working on my Pinterest boards today. You can check out our Pinterest here. I am still at home because I am trying to rest my foot as much as possible. The cast is really starting to bother me at the top, especially during the night. Fun, fun times.
It is now 6pm and my foot is swollen and hurting. Fun times. Of course, I sat at my desk all day. I should have had it up. I just washed my hair in the kitchen sink and it feels so good. Dinner is cooking but at least I got that over with.
We did not have any customers again today. People have their minds on turkeys, gravy, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pies, and not on seeds right now. Gas and food cost way too much and then there is Christmas.
My sister, who lives in El
Paso, said the house was moving around today and that the news said it
was an earthquake. That is crazy. The news said it is a 5.2.
My chickens produced nine eggs today. Way better than the three or five we've been getting lately. I have not been out there since I got my cast. I cannot fit my foot into a boot to go out there. Too many horrible stickers and chicken poo to go out there in Crocs. Matt has been going for me.
I am going to put my feet up in the den for the evening. The sunset this evening was spectacular.
Happy birthday to me! Getting older is not so bad. For years, I would not even acknowledge my age. Everyone tells me I look pretty good considering so it is not as bad as I thought it would be. I finally just sat down with my feet up. I have been straightening and cleaning things up a bit, doing dishes and laundry. Yesterday, I stayed at my office desk most of the day and my foot puffed up and was hurting so today I will try to keep it propped up. I am on the couch in the living room. We have not been having customers so it should not be much of a problem.
I had a hard time sleeping again with the cast. I finally took some Tylenol in the middle of the night and woke up at 7:40am. I never sleep that late. David made me a nice breakfast. It feels much warmer today but did get down to 43°. It is now 10:30am and the temperature is 52° Fahrenheit. It is grey and cloudy outside. I went outside to take two bags of trash out this morning. It is very quiet in the house right now. All of the animals are being quiet and good. David is in the den working. I love these rare moments of quiet.
I do need to go out and water the plants in my greenhouse sometime today but that will be later. They looked great two days ago when I watered. I would be out there every day but it does hurt going up and down the steps with my foot so just as needed.
Several friends and family members as well as those following on our business Facebook have been sending me birthday wishes. Thank you all! They are being read and appreciated by me.
So Matt and David are getting me some delicious pizza from a place in Somerset for lunch. That will be fun.
David went to look at some things we have had staff and contractors doing. This has been going on since we started the company. If David is not right there, things don't get done his way no matter how many times he has to explain things.
Matt went to Somerset and got me some of the coal baked pizza that I really like out here. He and David had lunch with me and gave me gifts. It was so thoughtful. I honestly expected nothing. We have had a rough four weeks. David had planned to take me to Chama Gaucha but I did not want to go there with my foot hurting in the cast and I cannot even get a real shoe on right now. Maybe for Christmas...
The Amazon man just brought me the gift from myself. :) It was so thoughtful of me!
Our team members also blessed me with some gifts. Brendon gave me some yummy chocolates. Angelica gave me chocolates and she got some I Love Lucy cloth and had someone make a bowl cozy and a double handed potholder for pulling things out of the oven with both hands. I didn't even know that she knew I am a huge Lucy fan! Look at this:
Just before closing, a man came by for one pack of carrot seeds. This was our first customer all week long and the sale was $3.45. Fall is just not our prime retail time.
I got five eggs from the girls today. I guess they don't care for the cooler weather. I went out into my greenhouse just before 5pm and watered all of the plants. I have some teeny tiny lemons forming on some of the trees. So excited about that. No limes yet. We do have a small heater going in there. Everything looks good so far.
I made a Walmart grocery order for Matt to pick up on his way to work in the morning.
Gardening should be taught in the schools here in America so everyone can reflect on it in their own backyards as they each get outside away from TV shows and video games that rot their minds. Don't you think so?
Honestly, except for the really hot weather we get here in South Central Texas, gardening is fun and the food tastes so much better than anything you will ever buy in a grocery store. I feel like kids should know where their food comes from and how to grow it. Stop teaching the whole year for standardized testing and start teaching everyone valuable skills like how to balance a checkbook and how to garden and grow food.
That way, everyone knows how to plant a seed and turn it into food for their families so they don't need to reflect on nonsense like how to register your garden with the government.
Good morning. I woke up at 5am, hot. Not sure why because it was chilly but that is how it happened. I turned on my phone and Walmart was texting me saying they did not have a lot of what I ordered. Also that they did not have sugar free Cool Whip and they were substituting with some Keto cream. I tried to cancel that but it said I was too late.
David made bacon and egg tacos on keto tortillas. It was good. I got laundry going and then Matt arrived around 7:20am with my groceries. There was no sugar free Cool Whip or Keto cream. Everything else was there including all of the produce that they said they did not have. Also, they said they did not have Smart Water or sugar free Russell Stover candy yet they found it and put it in my bags...Who pulls these orders and works the app? LOL!
Nine years ago today, my mother-in-law graduated to Heaven. I learned a lot from her on how to be a good stepmother and step-grandmother.
So I got all of the groceries put away. Michelle is on her way to help me with the house. I cleaned a lot of it last Saturday when my foot was hurting so bad. Of course, that made it hurt more. I dusted in some places that she never touched because they were thick and white with dust. But she does a good basic job which is what the house needs and I really can't do it with my foot hurting. David is still in the house. I told him Michelle is coming but he is napping in the den now. He gets up early...
I have my Thanksgiving menu planned out and I believe we have everything we need. It will be refreshing not to have kids sneezing in my face this year so I don't have to get sick again but I will miss the kids. Last year they sneezed in my face on Thanksgiving Day and I was sick through the end of January, getting sick twice from them during the holiday season. We are not planning on being around any children that we know of. Of course, I would welcome the chance to be around some grandchildren of my own but that won't be happening anytime soon.
I will be working from the house again today unless they need me for checkout.
Next week, one team member will be off on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Unless we get sick, the three of us family members will be here the whole time, except for a few doctor visits sprinkled in. The whole company will be off on Thursday and Friday. David will have the store open on Friday and Saturday if anyone would like to come and buy seeds as gifts for Christmas but, honestly, we don't expect any shoppers. On Friday, the store will be open from 9am to 5pm and on Saturday, it will be open from 10am to 1pm.
Then the following week, another team member has the whole week off to use up vacation time so he doesn't lose it. Here, you can carry over 40 hours from one year to the next but everything else you need to use or lose. Our people barely ever take time off and they get plenty of it. Not sure why that is. It is good to always have extra in case you get sick but take your time off, people!
We had one really good sale at the store today! More cold is blowing in now. I went out to feed the fish and lock up the store and it will be a cold one tonight.
Someone told me online today that registering gardens with the government is false. No, it is real. Here is the news release the USDA put out in September of 2022. It is real.
Interestingly, the USDA started this People's Garden Initiative started in 2009, the year that we started David's Garden Seeds®. We started the company because we had bills to pay and a life to live. Our seeds are not cheap, old, or packed in China like what you may get at big box stores. They are fresh, good quality, Non-GMO seeds counted and packed fresh every day right here, deep in the heart of Texas.
The USDA says it is calling this initiative the People's Garden because back when President Abraham Lincoln was in office, he called the USDA the People's Department when he established it in 1862. Of course, back then, everyone had gardens and farms. You were responsible for feeding your own family, not the government. There were no food stamp cards or government checks going out to people who wouldn't work.
We are serving you by providing safe seeds for you to grow into high quality, delicious food for your family. We teach you how to garden by providing how to garden pages of articles on two websites. We also teach when you come into the Farm Store. I am happy to help you with what I know and I teach one or two customers how to do something daily when they come in.
Once in a while, David is available. He knows a lot more about gardening and he will, sometimes, even take customers out into the garden to specifically show how to do something. We don't charge for our websites or for our advice. We do charge for our seeds. Selling our seeds is our family's only bread and butter. We also have employees to pay. We are not going to register our garden and provide free food and free seeds.
Good Saturday morning. It is cold and raining. I woke up at 5:15am, cold with no blanket. I somehow took it off in the night. It was freezing. I could not go back to sleep, even with the blanket back on so I got up and let Ethel out. That is when I discovered the rain. Now it is daylight and I need to go out and feed all of the outdoor animals. Not sure what shoe I can fit on over my cast to go out and take care of everyone, plus it is cold and wet.
I do not want to go out there but no one is coming in today to assist me. It is all mine today. Yay...not.
I survived. It is 45° out there, pretty cold for Texas! I got everyone fed and watered and as I was out there getting water for them, it started raining again so I got a bit wet. I was so glad to get back in the house. I then made some eggs and changed the bedding. Time to get ready for the day in case any customers venture all the way out to the farm today.
I need to clean the pond and add some water today, too. It is way down again. The rain is coming down so maybe that will help a bit. It is just too cold to get out there in the rain and clean the pond today. It is 11:19am and 44° right now.
It is now 2pm and still 45°. It rains off and on. I had a few sets of customers that I had to go over and tend to. I finally just finished lunch. I got some laundry done and the kitchen cleaned up. I have been on my feet all day long and now I need to sit with my leg up as it is getting swollen again.
It is 5pm and 43° and sprinkling on and off. All of the animals have been fed and the chickens have been put away because it is just too cold out in their run.
Once I closed the store at 1:30pm today, I put my leg up on the couch to rest. I was trying to watch one of those YouTube videos about what's in my pantry. I ended up falling asleep so I never got to see what was in the jars! I am glad I had a nap because I do not sleep much with this cast on. I just cannot get comfortable.
Someone just came by and bought all three of the brand new grills we had for sale at a large discount so those are now gone. I had them discounted at half price from what Walmart has them and they just did not sell. I find that very strange but they are gone now. David had several people asking him to drive to them, using our gas and taking a discounted rate that wouldn't even have filled our tank. No, thank you.
It is getting close to Svengoolie time here. The pizza is on the way with Matt and we are ready for A Fiend Without A Face. It is strange for it to be so cold here but I just got back in with Ethel. She will not go out at night by herself so I had to go out in the cold.
I realize that right now, this is a community garden concept but registering it with the USDA just has a Communist feel to it, like they will come and get it and you and everything else if you don't conform, don't you think? I am sure that eventually, they will want private gardens registered as well. I have read too many history books to not draw this conclusion with the kind of government nonsense that has been going on up in Washington DC. I am for freedom and small government, not control. How about you?
By the way, yesterday online, someone told me that registering your garden with the USDA is totally false. Believe me, I looked it up and read about it. You can, too, by clicking the link in the paragraph above this one. It will take you right to the page.
We used to live in a nation of freedoms and now those freedoms are disappearing. They are putting GMOs in our foods and in the foods of our animals. Why do they want to control our foods and feed us poison? Just check the labels in your pantry and in your freezer. They won't say GMO any longer. Effective January 1, 2022, they will use the term "Bioengineered Food". This was brought to my attention back in September so I checked and had a lot of prepackaged foods with that term on them.
Good morning and Happy Sunday! It is 41° this morning and the high will be 48° so we have pretty much stayed in the 40s all week except for the one morning when it got down to 36°! It is not raining right now but the forecast says there will be rain. I had better get a move on and hobble on out to feed the animals before it does. David made egg tacos with avocado and they were tasty.
Forty-seven years ago today, we moved from everything we knew in the town of LaGrange, New York to El Paso, Texas. I was a teenagerl when my father was transferred with IBM (International Business Machines better known as I've Been Moved). I definitely experienced culture shock! After all of these years, and after moving around the country quite a bit, we are back in Texas and loving it. But it took a while to appreciate all of the wonderful things about our great state of Texas.
So, eventually, will the government declare all unregistered gardens as illegal and then confiscate them? This is definitely communistic in theory. They didn't used to be concerned, but our government has changed so much.
The government should not be concerned about our food, nor should they be trying to pump the American public full of GMOs or Bioengineered Foods as they are doing. Our food should be our concern. The elected officials should provide structure and protection. Many countries around the world have outlawed GMO foods but the USA is allowing and encouraging them.
Once again, grow your own foods in your garden with good, heirloom seeds. Buy fresh produce and grains, as well as meats from small farms. The meat prices when you buy from farmers are two to three times what you pay in the store. The meat does taste way better, though. We have tried it a few times. Better yet, raise your own meat animals, but then you have to kill them. That can be difficult. Many are homesteading and doing just that.
Return from Register Your Garden With The Government to Our Fourth Year
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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.
♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫
Peppers and peas
And lots of yummy greens
You can't go wrong
With Squash This Long
At David's Garden Seeds
♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.
We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,000 varieties to choose from.
Find out what is going on down on the farm by reading our blog and by subscribing to our free newsletter for all of the information going down at David's Garden Seeds® and on the farm. I love to share helpful information with you. Please let your friends know and y'all come on down for a visit when you get the chance. We would love to meet you!