The flies are thick this winter in Texas. Let's learn how to repel flies naturally without chemicals.
Every time we open one of the doors to our home, the flies all pop inside. They are driving me crazy. I kill so many each day now since the weather has begun to get chilly. I truly hate them and their nasty germs.
If you're like most homeowners, the idea of pesky flies buzzing around your home isn't a very pleasant one. But did you know you can repel flies naturally with plants? This approach not only helps keep your space bug-free but also adds beauty and life to your surroundings.
Flies have a way of driving us all a bit bonkers, especially when you're trying to enjoy some peace and quiet on your porch or when you are trying to cook in your kitchen. Fortunately, there's a nature-friendly solution right at your fingertips. You can use certain plants to create a barrier that flies just don't want to cross.
Good morning and welcome to a very foggy Monday. It is 50° and the fog is so thick that you can barely see the cell tower near the road.
The temperature should hit 80° today which will be nice after it has been in the 40s. I have a lot of orders to take care of today.
The fog burned off and by 11am, the sky was bright blue and the sun came out. Currently, it is 3pm and 77° outside.
I have been filling orders for most of the day and I have many more to close before it is time to go home. We picked a bunch of tomatoes early this morning. Some are ripe, others are not quite ripe but we are concerned that it could get a bit too cold for them. Of course, most of the tomatoes are the grape Ruby Crush tomatoes which no one seems to want. They are firm, sweet, and delicious.
One easy solution is to plant some seeds right in your garden that
will grow into beautiful and fly-repelling plants. Lavender, for
instance, is not only lovely to look at, but its scent is highly
disliked by flies. Plus, who doesn't enjoy the calming fragrance of
lavender wafting through the yard? Here in Texas, I have a hard time keeping lavender alive. I had six varieties growing this past spring and by summer, they were all dead. If you live in a cooler climate, certainly, use lavender.
Another great plant is basil.
This herb is versatile for cooking and has a strong aroma that flies
find unappealing. Growing basil in pots near your door can act as an
effective fly deterrent. I grow a lot of basil and it does fine in the summer and even better when it cools down some.
Lemongrass is your friend if you want something with a citrusy scent. Not only does it look great, but it's one of the plants that repel flies. Its fresh scent is inviting for us humans, but drives flies away.
Marigolds are also worth considering. These brightly colored flowers aren't just beautiful; they're known for their ability to keep a variety of pests at bay, including flies. Planting them in window boxes or around your porch can be a colorful and natural fly-repelling option.
Here’s a
lesser-known fact: mint is another plant that's great at keeping flies
away. While its fresh scent is lovely for us, it serves as a natural
repellent for flies. It's quite easy to grow, too, making it a
convenient choice for home gardeners. I grow a lot of mint here.
Good morning and happy Tuesday to you all. It was very strange not taking Ethel out this morning. If you missed it, our 15 year old Corgi went over the rainbow bridge yesterday.
Nacho is here this morning to build a better shelter for Norton the baby goat back in May, who is now a full sized male. We had to separate him from the girls because he would shove them away from the food and take it for himself, even with different food dishes on three sides of their home.
While Nacho and his team were here, some of his helpers, along with Matt were feeding our wood chipper as I passed by, getting rid of a lot of trimmed branches around the farm. They also trimmed more trees today.
Both yesterday and today, we had no customers in the Farm Store but there were quite a few online orders.
We went out after work and got Norton all situated. Nacho built a nice covering over part of his area. We moved Norton's shelter under it as well as his food and water dishes and his hay area so they stay nice and dry when it rains.
We broke out the heaters for the two greenhouses last night so all of our plants and citrus trees should be fine.
The screen door latch on the front of the house has been broken for months. I finally got sick of it and ordered a latch off of Amazon. This afternoon, I took the old one off and put the new one on myself. Problem solved!
Nasturtiums aren’t just eye-catching; they’re plants that repel flies. With their bold, bright flowers, they can add a splash of color to your porch or garden while keeping flies at a distance.
Pennyroyal is another plant you might consider. It belongs to the mint family and it has a history of use as a natural insect repellent. However, it’s wise to handle this plant with care as it can be toxic to pets if swallowed.
Now, about positioning these plants, a neat trick is to place them in pots right by the entrance of your home. This way, they can work their magic every time you open the door.
Creating a pretty barrier of marigolds, lavender, or basil at your door might be all you need to significantly reduce the number of flies in your home.
If you've got a little more space, consider adding a herb garden near entry points. Not only is it practical, but it’s also an effective way to repel flies naturally. Plus, you’ll have fresh herbs on hand for your kitchen.
Essential oils are also a major player in the battle against flies. Having small bottles of essential oils that repel flies can work wonders.
Peppermint oil, for example, is quite potent when it comes to keeping flies away. Simply place a few drops on cotton balls and place them strategically around your porch.
Good morning. The low this morning is 35° so at least it didn't freeze. I am sitting at my desk feeling like I am freezing. Yes, the heater is on but it takes a while on this side of the house to feel it.
I just made a delicious breakfast of eggs, sausage, and whole grain toast with peach jelly. It is still so cold outside and I do not want to step out there.
It warmed up quite a bit. I had Matt take all of the hanging plants down. A bunch were dead but most were in need of a good clean up. I took them all down to the plant area in the parking lot. At 4pm, I went out and cleaned them all up. Then I watered them because the low tonight will be 44°. It is currently 51° at 6:30pm. Tomorrow, I will have Matt take them in to the high tunnel for the winter. They look so much better now.
I got Ethel's area in my office all cleaned up. There was lots of her dog hair on the loveseat where she used to hang out. I also folded some laundry and got more going in between orders today. I still need to finish decorating my house for Christmas or Santa won't come...At least the tree is up and decorated now.
We had quite a few orders to fill this morning, which I did as I froze. Matt was out running errands for David so I had to collect eggs and make sure everyone out back was fed and put to bed for the night.
So I collected the eggs and there were 15 this time! I have not had that many in weeks. I guess they like the cooler weather. As I left the chicken house, I noticed a really big hole in the ground that reached under the fence of their play yard. It is big enough for all of them to escape and get eaten by a varmint so tomorrow morning, Matt will have to fill that hole in to protect my girls.
While I was out there, I took some photos of Norton's redecorated area. I think he likes it better. We moved his shelter under the new roof along with his food so it will stay dry when it rains. Of course, the rest of his yard is open so he can run and jump like all good Nigerian Dwarf goats do...
Well, I need to go vacuum the den because the dogs have sand on my couch. Our soil is sand for at least 325 feet down and Sue Ellen, Pamela, and Trump bring in as much as they possibly can every single time they go outside. I believe they think they are doing me a favor so I guess I can't get mad. They do adore me!
Indeed, I did vacuum the den carpet and furniture this evening. I dusted most of it as well. Then we watched Dallas. We are on season 6. It was nice to sit down on a clean couch instead of sand.
Another effective essential oil is eucalyptus. Known for its multiple health benefits, it also happens to be one of the essential oils that repel flies! A few drops in a diffuser can enhance your indoor air and keep flies at bay.
Citronella oil is also worth mentioning. This pungent oil is often used to ward off mosquitoes, but it works equally well against flies.
Want a citrus twist? Lemon essential oil not only leaves a refreshing scent but has a high level of deterrence against flies.
You can also make your homemade fly-repelling spray. Mix water, a little dish soap, and about 10-15 drops of any of the above-mentioned essential oils into a spray bottle.
Spray this mixture lightly around the entryways leading to your home, and voila! You’ve got an effective and natural fly repellent.
If you prefer, essential oils can also be blended. Try combining peppermint and citronella oils for a stronger repellent.
How about a story? I once had a friend who was at her wit's end with flies. She started placing lavender pots by her door, and I swear, it was a game-changer for her.
Gardening lovers might find it especially rewarding to experiment with different plants and see what works best for their space. Each plant might have a slightly different effect depending on your climate and surroundings.
For a more dynamic garden, consider planting a combination of lavender, marigold, and basil together. Their complementary scents can form a powerful barrier.
In addition to their functional purpose, these plants can give your garden a textured, layered look with wonderful aromas.
It’s also fun to teach kids about plants and their benefits. You can start a small project with them, showing how nature itself helps keep pests out of our homes.
Good afternoon! I have been way too busy today! It is currently 12:30pm, very windy, and 64°. The low tonight will be 55°. It still feels pretty cool outside. I woke up this morning at 4:20am and asked Alexa for the time and temperature. It was 28°. I completely panicked because it was not supposed to get down below freezing.
Fortunately, it looks like the plants I trimmed down last night are okay. They are now safely in the high tunnel where I need to put the rest of the plants.
I have been doing orders for most of the day. I wonder if any of our tomatoes on the vines made it.
I actually went out and felt the tomatoes. They feel firm so I think they will be okay. We won't see super cold temperatures for days so, hopefully, some of the tomatoes will have to ripen.
I have been so busy this afternoon trying to create and revamp some wholesale discount codes. After several attempts, I finally got them done. We do a very small wholesale program. With all of the recent website changes, the one code we had for it no longer works so I actually had to figure out the discount and refund the client. Glad it is all done.
No customers in person all week long. I had to go out to my greenhouse this afternoon and water everything. The plants were very dry because of the heaters.
My Benny Johnson ornaments came today. I am excited to hang mine on the tree tonight and to finish decorating for Christmas.
It is now time to close up the store and it is dark and cloudy but we are not supposed to get rain. The low should be 55° tonight.
I made a cheeseburger pie for the first time in a very long time. It was pretty good.
I went out to take care of the animals. I got four eggs. There are no babies yet. I am thinking the female rabbit is not pregnant again which is weird. Both female goats are definitely pregnant and Trixie should deliver first. She is huge. Alice is big but not as big as she was when she gave birth.
One added benefit is that birds and beneficial insects like bees and butterflies love the plants that flies don't like. So you're not only keeping flies away but also inviting the right kind of visitors to your garden.
By now, you might be thinking, "I want to grow plants to repel flies for myself." That’s exactly the sentiment that often leads to a healthier, more pleasant home environment.
How about considering a small investment in essential oil diffusers as well? They're quite effective at distributing these scents throughout your space.
Take a moment to imagine your porch, brimming with vibrant marigolds and the scent of fresh lavender in the air. It paints a lovely picture, doesn’t it?
Over time, you might even develop a deeper appreciation for how plants can transform your living space in sustainable ways.
Aside from repelling flies, many of these plants double up for use in the kitchen or even as part of self-care regimens.
For instance, you can dry lavender and make sachets, or use peppermint leaves in your tea. Just think of the delightful possibilities!
Happy Friday. It is 56° and dark. I am glad we get a reprieve from the bone chilling cold for a few days. I have been killing flies all week long in my home. They hang by the doors and when the doors open, the flies think they have a golden invitation to the inside.
Thirty-eight years ago today, David asked me to marry him! It is so hard to believe that magical day, with snow on the mountains in El Paso, was that long ago. The setting was perfect. We drove up on TransMountain Drive and parked at a scenic overlook with snow covering the ground. It was beautiful!
The day was a busy one with writing articles and putting them up as well as filling orders. We even had our first in person customer of the week this morning--the man who gave us two of our blackberry bushes last year. He lives right around here and came by with his daughter to pick up a few seeds.
I came into the house this afternoon and set up more decorations in the living room. Then I took the bins back outside. Now all I have to do is finish my coffee table and vacuum and dust in there. Oh, I even found my beautiful white angel tree topper. I placed her on my curio cabinet since I already have the star on the tree. She is fiberoptic so she looks so pretty changing colors.
This evening, I made salmon and fixings. Matt stayed and we all watched the Jeff Dunham Christmas special. Oh my stars! I haven't laughed like that since I watched it last December! That guy is so incredibly talented! He is hilarious. If you've never seen his work, I suggest you get a DVD of his from Amazon and get ready to laugh because you will.
If you’re hesitant about your green thumb abilities, you can always start small. Try planting a couple of herbs like basil or mint in separate pots to see how you enjoy gardening.
Look at this as an exciting journey into repelling flies naturally and enriching your home life with little pockets of nature.
Different plants will thrive under different conditions, so it’s important to consider your climate when choosing which to plant.
Remember, it’s about enjoying the process and seeing the natural ways these plants help keep your home fly-free.
For indoor lovers, try growing the plants in small containers and place them on windowsills that get plenty of sunlight.
Keeping flies away doesn’t have to involve harsh chemicals or fly swatters anymore. You’ve got nature on your side!
This natural approach not only creates a vibrant home environment but also tends to be more relaxed for anyone who loathes buying bug sprays.
It’s also a great conversation starter. Friends visiting might ask about your plant choices, giving you the chance to share your tips on pest control.
Well, good morning! We have a big sale going on again.
All seeds are 45% off when you buy 2 or more packs and/or seed collections!
All planting trays are 25% off!
All coffee & pecan treats are 15% off!
Rice is 5% off.
It is currently 66° and the high should be 77°. There is some fog over in the field at 7am. I do not want to go out there. My fingers are stiff and cold here in the house.
It is so strange not to see Ethel here. Each day I have entered my office, I have looked for her little face and then I remember how sick she was. Poor baby girl.
Well, it is time to go out and unlock everything and feed everyone.
I got up to get dressed and I noticed that thick fog moved in. I got all of the animals fed, started some laundry, did the dishes, and opened the store. The fog was burned off by 10am. No baby animals yet.
It is now 1pm and there have been no customers so far. I have been pulling orders all this time. There are still more to go. When I get back in the house, I need to finish decorating and then wrap some gifts. David wants me to make a loaf of bread, which sounds like a good idea.
The weather is humid and quite warm right now. It is 73° and the low tonight will be 67° so that is not bad at all.
I finally got all of my Christmas presents wrapped this afternoon so that is a load off my mind. I finished decorating for Christmas but now I have to vacuum. However, that needs to wait until tomorrow.
I took care of the animals and got a good number of eggs today. Still
no babies...The girl goats are really getting big and they love to eat
treats. While I was out there, it started to rain and lasted for about
five minutes.
We had steaks and fixings while we watched Jingle All The Way. Matt loves Arnold Schwarzenneger so we try to watch this one every year.
It’s all about creating a harmony between aesthetic beauty and functionality. Your porch or garden can look stunning while serving a purpose.
In no time, you'll see the benefits not just in fewer flies, but also in the diversity of plant life around your home.
If your interest lies in expanding this practice to your business, like David's Garden Seeds, it could be a natural next step.
Not only will you enjoy a fly-free vicinity, but your customers will appreciate the fresh and inviting atmosphere you offer.
Taking time to care for your plants and using them to keep pests away provides a sense of accomplishment that's rewarding.
As more people seek eco-friendly alternatives, you'll be ahead of the curve in incorporating natural repellents into everyday life.
It’s the perfect balance of maintaining tranquility while ensuring your home is protected from unwelcome flies.
Reflect for a moment on how this shift can impact your daily life. Could it offer a bit more peace of mind?
Seeing your plants thrive is fulfilling, and knowing they perform double duty makes it all the more satisfying.
As the days grow longer and warmer, your lovely garden will flourish and continue to be an effective deterrent.
Good morning and happy Sunday. I got up pretty early because I had a freaky experience. I can't see the clock at night because, obviously, I don't wear my glasses to bed. I have to take thyroid medication and then wait 30 minutes before I can eat or drink so when I wake up in the dark, I like to know what time it is. I woke up at 5am and asked Alexa what time it was. The stupid thing whispered something to me. Never before has Alexa whispered to me.
I thought some bad guy had taken over Alexa and was trying to terrify me. LOL! I really did. I took my thyroid pill and tried to go back to sleep but I could not. So 45 minutes later, I asked Alexa the time again. The stupid thing whispered again but I could not understand it. I unplugged it and got up. I got on the computer and asked about the whispering. It turns out that this is a fairly new feature but it sure scared me.
I got some work done on this website and did a few other computer chores. Now it is light outside so I need to go feed everyone. Soon it will be time to leave for church.
We had a good time at church and then went to Charlie's Daughter for lunch. We spoke with a few friends there, including a family from church who sat with us. After we were fortified on some delicious fried chicken legs, we went to Walmart. I needed trash bags and, apparently, so did half of the church! We got trash bags and some groceries and headed home.
Since then, it sprinkled a bit and the wind picked up. Now it is no longer humid. In fact, it feels pretty good outside. That is good because soon I have to go out there again and take care of the animals.
Our big sale ends at 8pm CST tonight. I only have three bags of rice left so we sold a lot of that! My shelves were full of rice. I have one long grain and two jasmine bags of rice. David has to order more instead of driving there this time. It just takes up too much of the day to spend six hours driving.
The chocolates and other pecan treats are almost gone, too. They are 15% off right now until 8pm. No discount code is required. Here is the link if you want to shop the discount.
We had the most awesome sunset tonight. It looks like fire is pouring out of the cloud! I took this from my front deck after feeding the fish.
This evening, I finished up the living room for Christmas. Santa, we are now ready for your visit!
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It's remarkable what a few well-placed plants can do, as you invite nature to handle a pesky problem with grace.
Your journey into gardening can open doors to learning more about natural ways of coexisting with the environment.
And who knows? This may just be the beginning of a newfound hobby or passion project you'd like to explore further.
So there you have it! With plants that repel flies and essential oils that create an invisible barrier, you maintain a serene, pest-free home.
Embrace the beauty of nature, and let’s show those flies the door with style and flair.
Thanks for taking this journey with me. Together, we've explored how simple gardening magic can effectively and beautifully repel flies naturally.
Here is a simple essential oil spray repellent that you can make if you have essential oils and a small spray bottle. Put one cup of water in your spray bottle. Add ten drops of lavender oil and ten drops of eucalyptus oil. Shake and spray close to the entrance of your home or business. You can also spray this inside to keep flies away from parts of your home if they get inside.
Here is another recipe to repel flies: ten drops of basil oil with ten drops of thyme oil in one cup of water.
Or try ten drops of peppermint oil with ten drops of tea tree oil with one cup of water in the spray bottle.
20 drops of cinnamon oil in one cup of water also works well.
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Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.
♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫
Peppers and peas
And lots of yummy greens
You can't go wrong
With Squash This Long
At David's Garden Seeds
♪ ♫ ♪ ♫
Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.
We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,000 varieties to choose from.
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