Mrs. David's Garden Seeds®

Spring On The Farm

It's spring on the farm, David's Garden Seeds® Farm and we have baby chickens, guinea eggs that may hatch, and pregnant bunnies! Our garden seeds are starting to come up as vegetable plants and we should be planting fruit like a variety of melons this week.

The outdoor crew is also working to make more sprinkler systems so we don't have to drag soaker hoses all over the farm. I am so excited by all of the green popping up around us.

Spring On The Farm 03/29-04/04/2021

Monday, March 29, 2021

The snapdragons and violas are coming back to life now that it is spring on the farm. I thought our winter week in February had killed them.The snapdragons and violas are coming back to life now that it is spring on the farm. I thought our winter week in February had killed them.

Good Monday morning! Spring on the farm means 46° this morning with hardly any humidity and it is a beautiful day. It is a busy one with one of our managers home sick with the flu. Matthew is playing the part of Jay which means I will get no relief, not even for lunch. I have paid bills and filled orders as well as made online corrections all morning long. To top it off, it is pay day so in a little while, I will be writing paychecks for everyone.

We had a customer just after 9am and he asked a lot of how to questions. I am glad I was able to help him as he sets up his first garden. He also asked a lot of questions regarding spring on the farm.

It is now 12:45pm and the paystubs are here.  I paid a lot of bills and wrote all of the checks. I filled some more orders.

Some of our guys came to move the refrigerator here in the store and to move our fruit seeds display. It looks so much better than it did. We have had several more customers and they are buying the tomato starts. Spring on the farm stayed pleasantly cool all day.

At 5pm, spring on the farm means collecting eggs and taking care of our chickens and guineas. Then we made some dinner and did some more laundry. (Have you noticed that there is always laundry no matter how much you do?)

After that, I was ready to collapse in a chair and fall asleep, which, by the way, I managed to do.

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Fog covered most of the farm this morning. It was cool to see spring on the farm in the form of fog.Fog covered most of the farm this morning. It was cool to see spring on the farm in the form of fog.
Spring on the farm was so dense this morning that you could barely see our beautiful view.Spring on the farm was so dense this morning that you could barely see our beautiful view.

This morning, when it got light, I noticed that is was very foggy outside. It is 60° and it feels great. Several of our people called in so we are doubling up on responsibilities. The orders did not lessen, only the people filling them...

Over in the commercial kitchen, some of our team members are canning carrots and cutting up strawberries. The strawberries are from two local farmers. We will be processing them into preserves or jam. The carrots are from our own garden, some delicious benefits of spring on the farm.

The purple carrots are being canned in our commercial kitchen.The purple carrots are being canned in our commercial kitchen.
Stephen and Dalaina cut up strawberries from two local farms in our area this morning.Stephen and Dalaina cut up strawberries from two local farms in our area this morning.

Also, some strawberry jam was made by Linda.

Strawberry jam made by Linda. It looks great.Strawberry jam made by Linda. It looks great.

Later, a large FedEx truck brought a pallet of boxes for the Fulfillment Department. Matthew received the shipment.

A FedEx truck brought us a lot of boxes for shipping. We ship all over the country.A FedEx truck brought us a lot of boxes for shipping. We ship all over the country.
Matthew has received the boxes and will have them placed over in Fulfillment.Matthew has received the boxes and will have them placed over in Fulfillment.

The sky is still overcast and there is a strong breeze. Right now, it is 77° at 1:30pm. We have had several customers and visitors today.

If you need eggs for Easter or for any other time, now is the time to drop by and pick up your colorful farm fresh eggs.

This is what the inside of a box of farm fresh eggs looks like from my chickens. Beautiful colors, all nastiness washed off. We still have several dozen for this Easter holiday. Come on by.This is what the inside of a box of farm fresh eggs looks like from my chickens. Beautiful colors, all nastiness washed off. We still have several dozen for this Easter holiday. Come on by.

A sign company owner came out per David's request so we can get some signs made for each building. Also, we need a sign by the road. Customers complain that we don't have any signs out there. They don't see them.We have three signs outside by the fence now, but we cannot put signs close to the road because that land belongs to the state of Texas. We are not allowed to touch it or even to cut the grass there. I said we need one on the roof of the store that says "David's Garden Seeds" in huge letters. The sign owner said that no one would see it so he shot my idea down.

Apparently, the sign guy will be getting back to us later. David likes his ideas. I just hope the guy gets the wording right and the apostrophe. He won't listen to anything I say so it is pointless for me to say anything. Life is too short so I walked away after the third time he disagreed with me.

The rest of the day was fairly uneventful except for one thing...I made a quiche for the first time ever and it was delicious!

My first quiche before baking.My first quiche before baking.
My first quiche after baking. I used a stone pie plate so it took about 10 minutes longer to bake than it should have. It was so good!My first quiche after baking. I used a stone pie plate so it took about 10 minutes longer to bake than it should have. It was so good!

The baby chicks are doing well during spring on the farm. They are big now and are only four weeks old today. Most of them have most of their little feathers with their fuzz all gone.

Our chicks are four weeks old today and are almost all feathered out.Our chicks are four weeks old today and are almost all feathered out.
Our sweet little chicks still use the brooder at night to keep them warm. It is chilly right now so they are enjoying it.Our sweet little chicks still use the brooder at night to keep them warm. It is chilly right now so they are enjoying it.

Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Spring on the farm brought several pink buds on this new rosebush this morning.Spring on the farm brought several pink buds on this new rosebush this morning.
Spring on the farm brought out a bud on this red and white rosebush.Spring on the farm brought out a bud on this red and white rosebush.

Happy Wednesday! It is overcast and the temperature dropped from 72° to 63° very quickly. Nacho is out here putting in the deck for the gazebo on the side of the store. A rainstorm blew in so they put away all of the power tools but now they are working again.

David decided he wants the baby chicks out of his yellow shed so he told the outdoor crew to move them to the old bunny shed which means the pretty white shed with stairs behind the chicken coop.

I just went in the house to grab a quick lunch and I was going to see how the chicks like their new place. It is a good thing I went because they were not there. They were put in the current bunny shed which has a lot of openings so the bunnies can stay cool. They were freezing in there so I had to find someone and have them put in the right place. I never did get to see them in the new place as I had to come back to the store. So here I am, hoping they are okay. I really need some help with the store. Not one person has answered our posts regarding the position. It is just like trying to find someone to clean the house. It seems that no one wants to work...

Spring on the farm today is chilly yet it was 72° early this morning. It is 63° F. now with a low of 47° expected tonight.

Our grown chickens still do not have much in the way of back feathers, thanks to first the guineas and second the rooster. The rooster is pecking them. The other day, we got a peeper big enough for him but he pulled it off over night. It looks like we will have to get rid of our beautiful rooster so the girls don't get torn up. They should be all covered in feathers by now but he is still pulling them up. All of the sprays are sold out of Amazon and the nearby stores since we have been buying it since last fall. I don't know if he will end up on a nearby farm or in a pot.

Nacho ended up framing the gazebo with a four by four area in the middle of it to look at the small pond we will have.

The start of our gazebo has a 4x4 foot opening in the center for our pond. It will be fun.The start of our gazebo has a 4x4 foot opening in the center for our pond. It will be fun.

We are thinking of starting with a waterfall and having the water stream down and collect in a pond under the gazebo. There will be a bridge from the side door of the store that will lead over to the gazebo. I want to put fish in the pond. I have never done outdoor fish before. I do have books on the ponds and fish for outdoor use and I think it will be fun. It will be nice for guests who come a long way to visit during spring on the farm. They will love our seed selection in David's Garden Seeds® Farm Store.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Today is Maundy Thursday or the night of The Last Supper of Christ before his crucifixion. Yes, we are Christians and we are thankful that our Lord Jesus Christ willingly gave his life on the cross to save all of mankind.

Happy first of April! It is also April Fool's Day! Will you prank anyone today?

Here is something that is not a prank: We will be closed tomorrow and Saturday for Good Friday! Juanita (me) finally gets a few days off due to Holy Week! So please do not plan a trip to the farm for tomorrow or Saturday as we will not be open.

When I got to the Farm Store this morning, the door was open and two of our workers were in there putting something together. It is one of those grow towers. No lights came with it. The ones I have seen always have lights. David thought it would make a nice display. David called and found out that the grow lights will be here in about five more days.

Other display items in the store were taken out. The table and chairs I have need to be removed so we can fit the grow tower but the guys did not get around to it today.

The two new buildings were cleaned, ready now for the carpet that is coming soon. The raised beds and the veggies out in the field were all watered well but I think we will still have to water them all over the three day weekend.

I had to hop on FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon) since we are short handed. I did FBA all day long, except when helping the team members who came to me with help on orders. FBA is for prime members. You send your product in to Amazon so they can do the free two day shipping. Amazon tells you where to send so many of each product. There are Amazon Fulfillment Centers all across the country.

It is spring on the farm and our rooster is still pecking all of the hens so we gave him away this afternoon to our farm manager. It was a bit upsetting to see him go, but the girls deserve to have their feathers and more and more of them are disappearing. Goodbye, Mr. Rooster!

Today, DaLaina was making the last of the strawberry jam in the commercial kitchen. Once again, it smelled like Heaven when I walked into the building this morning. Dalaina said she made scones to go with the jam. I had one with the jam and it was so good! Thank you, DaLaina. She sure is handy to have around...

Spring On The Farm Means Fixing Errors

This evening, I had to fix more website issues. For a while, we had help updating our items on our website and we are finding lots of mistakes. We have close to 600 pages with many items on most pages so it will be a while before we go through all of it. It is spring on the farm and no one has time to sit in the house fixing mistakes.

Lesson learned: Don't let people mess with your website. Have them do other work. Either way, they get paid by the hour and they just don't care because it is not their company.

This evening, I found two more guinea eggs placed haphazardly on the ground in the nesting area of the coop. The others are hidden. I read that guineas always hide their eggs. I have no idea if they did or if they ate them or what. I am hoping to have some guinea babies so I will have to wait and see.

Friday, April 2, 2021

Happy Good Friday! David's Garden Seeds® including David's Garden Seeds® Farm Store is closed today and tomorrow for Holy Week. We are always closed on Sundays. Please come visit us on Monday, April 5, 2021.

Unfortunately, I woke up right at 6am after having a bad dream. It is 49° and I am up writing this with a good cup of coffee. Only the cat is awake. I fed and watered her. Even though our Farm Store is closed today, I still have lots of work to do. I noticed that I have four Etsy orders to fill and I have to get our other filled orders out to the mailman when he comes today. There are already emails that have to be dealt with. I need to get social media posts completed for the rest of this week and for next week. There is never enough time in a day to complete all of the work. I really need an assistant and we need for all of our staff to be here.

I am enjoying the quiet that spring on the farm brings this morning. Soon it will be light and the dogs will want to go out and the poultry gals will want to be fed.

Just in case, I opened the store and got it ready for customers. I filled some orders and shipped them out. I set up all of our outgoing packages for the mailman and then I helped Matthew get some seeds sent up to Amazon.

DaLaina and her welder husband showed up so that he could talk to David about making us one of those tall entry gates that everyone out here seems to have. We want it to say "David's Garden Seeds Farm" with our logo in the middle.

I checked out back on the animals and the garden and got back in the house to do some more laundry when my phone rang. A couple here on vacation from Ohio stopped by the store to do some seed shopping around 2pm. I told them to go inside and I would be right there. They chose some seeds and then I gave them a tour around the farm. We had a good visit.

Ethel, Lucy, and Annabelle showing off their new blue scarves after being groomed.Ethel, Lucy, and Annabelle showing off their new blue scarves after being groomed.

Meanwhile, Matthew took our three dogs, Annabelle, Ethel, and Lucy to be groomed over in Jourdanton. He went shopping for me while they were getting groomed. They are now on their way back. The trashman, the mailman, UPS, and Amazon have all been here today as well as our Air Conditioner company. They installed a brand new unit in our commercial kitchen building and it feels really nice in there!

The girls look adorable. They are all in blue scarves.

Earlier, I said that the trashman came. He did. So at 6pm, I took the kitchen trash out to a full trash dumpster. The guy came and a few things off the top came out but our dumpster is full. David said he would call.

This evening, we attempted to make popcorn and something blue in the microwave and put a hole through one of the screwed in covers so we need to have our unit serviced. Obviously we cannot use it and burn the house down. The problem is that the oven and microwave is one unit. Who does that? It is the weekend and a holiday weekend at that so we won't be able to call until Monday.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Things started early. Matthew was feeding the chicks and guineas for me and the male guinea, Hershel, stepped out of the cage, something that he normally won't do most of the time. Mona, the female, stayed inside. As soon as Hershel stepped out, Carolyn's guineas were there to chase him and chase him they did until he was on the other side of our wooden fence. (Carolyn is our neighbor across the road. Since we got our guineas last spring, they think they live here with us and just go home for food.) Hershel stayed there all day long. Matthew and I tried to rescue him but he would run from us and past us. We hoped he would fly over the fence and just go back to his cage.

This was a crazy day. I opened the store for David just in case a customer came. I did not expect any. Nacho and his crew showed up early and worked on the gazebo area most of the day.

Meanwhile, I went shopping with Matthew to get chicken supplies and groceries. David said to pick up a microwave because it might be a while before our microwave oven combo gets serviced.

We went to Tractor Supply in Devine and coming back to the main road, we heard a pop and hiss and next thing, we have a flat. This is Matthew's seventh flat in a year. All four of his tires are brand new. We don't know what got the tire but it put a huge hole in it that could not be plugged. We pulled in to an empty parking lot where he put the spare on and we drove to Natalia. The tire place there was so busy. Finally they put a brand new tire on for $115.00 and we went to Walmart.

We pulled into an empty parking lot so Matthew could take off the wounded tire and put the spare on.We pulled into an empty parking lot so Matthew could take off the wounded tire and put the spare on.

The last time I went to Walmart, right after the governor opened Texas, you could walk into Walmart without a mask. Now they have a huge banner saying you have to wear a mask to enter. This is ridiculous.

I had to shop with fogged up glasses the entire time again. I am done with shopping. Did not get half the things on my list. Found a microwave/convection oven/air fryer and bought it. I believe you need a doctorate just to heat something up for 30 seconds now that I have tried using it. Good golly! We also got a net in the sporting goods department to try to catch Hershel.

When we got home and got unloaded, we took the new net we bought and went to get poor chicken Hershel. It took quite a while. Hershel went the long way around the fence and through the gate. I had the door to the guinea coop wide open for him. He ran past it three times because Carolyn's guineas were chasing him. Yes, spring on the farm brings crazy bird chases.

Matt and I tried to get Hershel to fly over the fence to his coop but he refused to do it. He walked all the way around the fence.Matt and I tried to get Hershel to fly over the fence to his coop but he refused to do it. He walked all the way around the fence.

Finally, he paused by the chicken coop where he used to live. Matthew netted him there. Once he calmed down in the net, Matthew scooped him up and brought him safely home before dark. I gave Hershel and Mona some fresh food, scratch, and worms and Hershel had himself a feast. He acted like he hadn't eaten in weeks. He was very happy to be home. Carolyn's birds continued to taunt him but they did not get one morsel of his food.

Matt caught Hershel with a net finally.Matt caught Hershel with a net finally.
Matt carried Hershel back to his coop to be with Mona.Matt carried Hershel back to his coop to be with Mona.

Nacho and his crew packed it up about 4pm today. They got a lot done. They even dug two big holes for the falls and the pond. They were working on the roof when they decided they were done for the day.

Right now, this is how our gazebo looks from the road, right next to our Farm Store.Right now, this is how our gazebo looks from the road, right next to our Farm Store.
A hole for the waterfall has been dug as well as one for the pond (not shown in this photo.)A hole for the waterfall has been dug as well as one for the pond (not shown in this photo.)

David finally called tonight about the trash and left a voice message which means we will be having trash blowing all over the farm...Fun times. Spring on the farm can be beautiful and crazy at the same time.

My lovely garden haul.My lovely garden haul.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

Spring on the farm brought out this beautiful white and red rose just in time for Easter.Spring on the farm brought out this beautiful white and red rose just in time for Easter.

Happy Easter! Happy Resurrection Sunday! I set my alarm for 6:30am but I woke up at 5:30am and could not get back to sleep. I am tired but I am up. Kitty was waiting for me as she was starving. She is always at my bedroom door starving. So she is fed and happy. The dogs are still asleep.

It is time to get ready for church. Spring on the farm brought us a 59° morning with a nice breeze. David is sitting on the back porch reading his Bible in front of a fire with some coffee. I just love spring on the farm.

We had a wonderful Resurrection Day time of worship at church this morning. Then we drove back to spring on the farm. The wind is blowing and keeping it cool outside. We ate leftovers for lunch, except for David who stopped at Burger King on the way home for a whopper.

Now we are going to watch the new movie, Resurrection, produced by Roma Downey.

Return from It's Spring On The Farm to Our Farm And Business Life

David's Garden Seeds® Is A Trusted Brand

Since 2009, over 1,500,000 home gardeners, all across the USA, have relied on David's Garden Seeds® to grow beautiful gardens. Trust is at the heart of it. Our customers know David's Garden Seeds® stocks only the highest quality seeds available. Our mission is to become your lifetime supplier of quality seeds. It isn't just to serve you once; we want to earn your trust as your primary supplier.

Watch Our 2022 TV Commercial!

Sing Along To Our Jingle

Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫Matt with one of our Barred Rock chickens. The chickens adore him. ♪♫♪♪♫♫

 ♪♫♪♪ ♫ ♪ ♫♪♫♫


Peppers and peas

And lots of yummy greens

You can't go wrong

With Squash This Long

At David's Garden Seeds

♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

Our New 2024 TV Ad

Please like and subscribe on YouTube and come visit us at our Farm Store! The music on our TV ad was written, played, and sung by our son, Matthew Schulze. You can meet him when you come to the farm. He just might give you a tour. Ask him to grab a guitar and sing our jingle that he wrote.

David's Garden Seeds BBB Business Review

David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!David of David's Garden Seeds® zipping along on his little tractor across the farm. He is having a blast!
All Non-GMO, we've got the seeds you want!All Non-GMO, we've got the seeds you want!

We are David's Garden Seeds®. If you need great seeds, we've got over 1,000 varieties to choose from.

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Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.Hi! I am Juanita aka Mrs. DGS. This photo was taken in our commercial kitchen during a potluck.
Mrs. David's Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.Mrs Davids Garden Seeds in the greenhouse with Lucy the lap dog.

Find out what is going on down on the farm by reading our blog and by subscribing to our free newsletter for all of the information going down at David's Garden Seeds® and on the farm. I love to share helpful information with you. Please let your friends know and y'all come on down for a visit when you get the chance. We would love to meet you!